RubyConf 2024

What a blast! Attending RubyConf 2024 in Chicago this year was an amazing experience. It marks 10 years since my first RubyConf, and it was fantastic to celebrate that with other Rubyists in the Windy City.


Stephanie Wilkinson, Yukihiro Matsumoto, Shannon Skipper

Obligatory selfie with Matz (and Shannon Skipper)


Roda popularity

One of the most exciting things about the conference was seeing the growth of the Roda framework over the years. This year marked ten years since my first Rubyconf, and it also marked 10 years of Roda. Jeremy Evans gave a great retrospective talk about what the last ten years have looked like, and there were a number of other talks focusing on what Roda can do. (This site is built with Roda.)


I talked to Ubicloud, below, who are building with Roda for compute services. They recently hired Jeremy Evans, since so much of their stack is Roda.


Ubicloud and Stephanie Wilkinson

Chatting with the Ubicloud team


Ruby into the Future

A theme this year was the future of Ruby. Next year Ruby will be 30 years old, and folks were discussing how to learn from other languages and communities to make Ruby better.


Vinicius Stock discussed the state of Ruby dev tooling. Those of us who have enjoyed tools like rustup can imagine a similar rubyup tool that could be built in coordination with the ruby installers and version managers.


Shannon Skipper at RubyConf 2024

Shannon Skipper had a great talk on WebTransport


Shannon’s talk about server sent events, webstreaming, and web transport was really exciting. Thinking of all the possibilities afforded to us by so many concurrent streams leads to a whole new conception of what’s possible on the web.




Lastly, what a pleasure it was to spend time with friends! One of the best things about the Ruby community is the friends I’ve made over the years.


Stephanie Wilkinson, Shannon Skipper, Brandon Weaver, and Erin Weaver


Stephanie Wilkinson and Erin Behn


Thanks to everyone for an exciting RubyConf ❤️